Talking Seaweed


Talking Seaweed is a cannabis lifestyle brand founded on the East coast in 2018. Through multi-media, comedy and live events Talking Seaweed is not only giving the entire industry a platform to laugh, learn and reach everyday consumers, but we’re also consistently influencing and defining the East coast cannabis lifestyle. From producing full length (Netflix style) series’, to podcasts, to professional photography, TS delivers high quality, consistent content while fully immersing themselves in the cannabis industry and culture.

...Sorry for wasting your time.

#YiKES! - Session 1

Talking Seaweed believes there is a lot more we can do for athletes so we took it upon ourselves and started “YiKES!”. YiKES! is the extreme sports branch of Talking Seaweed. We are currently hosting our own private skate and bmx sessions. We will continue to release an abundance of content surrounding cannabis use within and around extreme sports athletes and culture. It’s about time the cannabis industry stands up for athletes. Our goal with “YiKES!” is to de-stigmatize cannabis use in and around extreme sports and all athletes in general and we are curating a platform just for that. Along with all of this content comes a new podcast from Talking Seaweed featuring Rose Glen & Trespassion.

Copyright Talking Seaweed 2021