Talking Seaweed


Talking Seaweed is a cannabis lifestyle brand founded on the East coast in 2018. Through multi-media, comedy and live events Talking Seaweed is not only giving the entire industry a platform to laugh, learn and reach everyday consumers, but we’re also consistently influencing and defining the East coast cannabis lifestyle. From producing full length (Netflix style) series’, to podcasts, to professional photography, TS delivers high quality, consistent content while fully immersing themselves in the cannabis industry and culture.

...Sorry for wasting your time.

Benny Doubt Here!!

Benny Doubt Here.

I'm waiting for this Nova vs Michigan game to start.  So as most of us do with extra time, i was scrolling through  I noticed that the "newest" blog was about the NE Canna Con.  I bet they meant to have that blog up last Monday.  You remember last Monday right?  it was the day after the Convention.  1 week ago.  8 days since the guys were with Emjae at the Hynes Center.  I sure they meant to be faster than 8 days.  I'm sure the next one will be faster.  In other news I'm sure Sam didn't bet on this game.

Dictated, not read. 


Copyright Talking Seaweed 2021